How do i register as a user?

To add or edit content on mEducator web site, you have to first be registered as a user.
In some cases, the site administrator will add you as a user. If so, they will send you a user name and password that you can use to log on.
Otherwise, look for a small form called “User login” on the main page of the site you want to register with (usually on the right or the left of the page). Click the link that says "Create new account".
The next page that comes up will generally have some information on the site's policies for registration. After reading them, to register, enter a user name of your choice and an email address to which you have access and hit "submit". Then check your email account. Within a few minutes, you should get an automatically-generated email confirming your registration and giving you an initial password to use. Now you're ready to log in.