University degli studi di Catania

The Department of Computer Engineering and the Department of Medical and Surgical Science of the Università degli Studi di Catania, IT, participate in the project as pedagological expert, technology provider, and evaluator expert. The activities of the University of Catania (Italy) will be coordinated by Prof. D. Giordano, who has 18 years experience in the design, development and evaluation of advanced learning technologies and has been the coordinator if the Minerva- Socrates project  "I-Trace" (Interactive tracing and graphical annotation in pen-based e-learning). She is an active researcher in the area of medical image processing and multimodal information retrieval and will be involved in the project in the definition of a flexible and adaptive scheme for medical educational content description; in the definition of the metadata and procedures for content re-purposing; in the preparation of in the implementation and evaluation of the first solution for content discovery and retrieval based on loosely coupled LCMS.  Part of the team will be: Prof. A Faro, of the Dipartimento di Ingegneria Informatica e Telecomunicazioni, who has 25 years experience in the design and implementation of distributed systems;  Ing. Carmelo Pino, who is a Ph.D. Student in the Dipartimento di Ingegneria Informatica e Telecomunicazioni who has experience in semantic web technologies and in the development of LCMS; Ing. Francesco Maiorana, who has a long standing collaboration with the department in the area of content discovery and information retrieval; they will be involved in the preparation, the implementation and evaluation of the first solution for content discovery and retrieval based on loosely coupled LCMS;  finally, Prof.Rosalia Leonardi of the Dipartimento di Specialita' Medico-chirurgiche, where she is director of the Specialization School in Orthodontics, will  work towards expanding the network of content providers at the Italian level. The UNICT team will be involved in dissemination activities and in providing recommendations to towards a reference model for content sharing. 

University degli studi di Catania members

Carlo Vancheri's picture
Daniela Giordano's picture
Carmelo Pino's picture
Rosalia Leonardi's picture
Antonio Contesti's picture
Concetto Spampinato's picture
Francesco Maiorana's picture
Giacomo Fazio's picture
Isaak's picture