Would you like to become an associate partner in mEducator?

Dear colleagues,

The mEducator project is looking into extending collaboration with more institutions, either in the Medical or in the Informatics or Educational domain; this may be done on the basis of associate partnership.  
Although associate partners of mEducator may not receive direct funding, they will benefit in several ways, and their active participation in the consortium is considered important.
  • as content providers, they will allow access to their own educational material, become familiar with repurposing reasons and procedures, and benefit by reusing and repurposing content. 
  • as technology partners, they will work with state-of-the-art solutions and tools which will allow repurposing and sharing in Medical Education, as well as other sectors. 
  • as users (medical professionals and students), they will have access to various types of educational material and share their visions and needs within the development processes. 
  • as standardization bodies, they will benefit from direct feedback on standards and specifications while consulting/advising to their implementation 
  • as pedagogical experts, within the Pedagogical Reference Group, they will research on pedagogical contexts of content repurposing and sharing.
As any of the above, you will be invited to have active participation at least in the evaluation phase of the project (to take place in late 2011).
Please contact us and propose your institution in our developments or use the following link to register:
Associate partners will be listed in this section; accounts for the website will be provided to them; they will be invited to join specific project activities and working groups.
We look forward to hearing from you!
the mEducator team
*This invitation refers to institutions rather than individual scientists. The latter can apply for membership as authenticated users, with, however, fewer privileges.